When Kelsey Brown started her company "The Occasional Basket" it was because she was in need of a unique gift basket for an occasion and after a vast internet search she realized that no one in the area produced them. She then searched nationally and found that even on Etsy, the baskets though in existence were not available anytime soon. Little did she know that a little over a year later she would not only be ROCKING in the gift basket world but also make an appearance on Local Leaders the Podcast hosted by Jim Chapman. If you are a person with a great idea and are not sure how to turn it into reality...then this is the episode for you!
#GiftBaskets #Christmas #TheOccasionalBasket #LocalLeadersthePodcast #Podcast #LivingstonParish #DenhamSprings
Filmed at Envision Podcast Studio Rentals LLC www.envisionpodcaststudio.com
The Occasional Basket on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheOccasionalBasketLLC
LOCAL LEADERS THE PODCAST LINKS: Our Website: www.LocalLeadersThePodcast.com
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Denham Springs Fit Body Boot Camp: https://getfitdenhamsprings.com/getfitdenhamsprings359108991589553470388
Tricia Johnston Realtor : Latter & Blum https://triciajohnston.latter-blum.com
Fit Blendz Denham Springs: https://fitblendz.revelup.com/weborder/?establishment=12
BJ Pawn www.BJPawn.net Blaksheep Creative https://blaksheepcreative.com
SR Enterprise Painting https://www.facebook.com/SR-Enterprise-848358978571390
HomeKey Mortgage: Tiffany Sicard https://www.facebook.com/TiffanyGuehoSicardMortgageSr.LoanOfficer
William Waldrep TWFG https://agentpages.twfg.com/williamwaldrep/
Aydell Lane Spa and Boutique Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Aydell-Lane-Spa-Boutique-LLC-101969087841519
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