Going "Unfiltered" with Kiran Chawla "Now Airing"

Rich Coppage

Rich Coppage Profile Photo

Lead Success Coach


I work for Acquira, an acquisition accelerator for entrepreneurs who want to buy an existing small business. Our goal is to help people find and acquire businesses in order to solve an important problem:

Around 80 million Baby Boomer small business owners are approaching retirement age. This represents trillions of dollars worth of assets that need to switch hands and millions of jobs that could be at risk. (You can see more information about that here: https://youtu.be/-bm8Uhv69i0)

Specifically, we tend to work with home services businesses because they are recession-resilient and have a lot of growth potential.

Acquira’s training guides acquisition entrepreneurs through the process of finding businesses, assessing those businesses so they can quickly be disqualified, making an offer, conducting due diligence, and ultimately closing on a business. What sets us apart is that we provide support through each step of that journey, helping Acquisition Entrepreneurs evaluate deals, draw up LOIs, and even providing guidance for the really intense due-diligence part of the process.

I’m quite interested in your podcast and I’d like to connect and I am available to discuss business acquisition, finance, success coaching, about my own acquisition journey, hospitality, technology, or real estate finance.

Are you currently looking for guests? Please let me know!
