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March 4, 2024

Louisiana Voice and Swallow Solutions | Local Leaders the Podcast #193

In this podcast episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Nicole Williams of Louisiana Voice and Swallow Solutions.

Nicole shared insights about her business, her background, and her passion for helping people with speech and swallowing issues....

In this podcast episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Nicole Williams of Louisiana Voice and Swallow Solutions.

Nicole shared insights about her business, her background, and her passion for helping people with speech and swallowing issues. She discussed the services she offers, such as mobile fees, treatment for patients with dementia, strokes, and other conditions requiring speech therapy.

Nicole also shared personal details about her life, including her love for rescue dogs, baking, and crocheting. She described her journey of opening her own business in November 2020, driven by a desire to provide adequate care for patients who were not receiving the necessary services due to Medicare changes.

Throughout the conversation, Nicole emphasized the importance of staying up to date with technology in her field and educating the community about speech and swallowing issues. She highlighted the significance of preventive care, early intervention, and the role of therapy in addressing various conditions like acid reflux, post-nasal drip, and coughing.

The episode covered Nicole's commitment to leadership, her participation in educational conferences, and her use of social media for promotions and awareness. Fun facts about Nicole, including her love for turtles and her dream of visiting Lancashire, England, added a personal touch to the conversation.

Overall, the episode provided valuable insights into the world of speech therapy, highlighted the compassionate approach of Nicole Williams in her practice, and underscored the importance of supporting local businesses and serving the community.

For more information check out Louisiana Voice and Swallow solutions on the web at:

Louisiana Voice and Swallow Solutions on Facebook: