Going "Unfiltered" with Kiran Chawla "Now Airing"
March 13, 2021

|PODCAST| Advanced Dental Care in Denham Springs puts Emphasis on Patient Care. Local Leaders S4E14

|PODCAST| Advanced Dental Care in Denham Springs puts Emphasis on Patient Care. Local Leaders S4E14

Dr. Donald St. Angelo of Advanced Dental Care is back for a second appearence on @Local Leaders:The Podcast​ .  In this edition of Local Leaders the Podcast we discuss the importance of a well trained staff with regard to a high paced Dental office, to his basic dental practice offerings to the amazing technology only available through his office including UltraShape and VelaShape Technology, Sublative Skin Resurfacing, Body contouring and the Profound Machine. Raised in Livingston Parish and a extremely active member of the community he made for a extremely interesting podcast! Your going to want to watch this one!

#DentalCare #LocalLeadersThePodcast #Podcast #MedSpa

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