Going "Unfiltered" with Kiran Chawla "Now Airing"
Jan. 3, 2021

Talking Foster Care, Bi Polar Disorder, Published Author at 17! Tommy Sigman's Amazing Story!

Tommy Sigman joins Local Leaders:The Podcast. Tommy has experienced more than his share of adversity in his life. Everything from a mother who battles Bi Polar Disorder, a father that struggles with drug addiction and an upbringing in which he has lived in so many states in such a short period of time that stability was non-existent. At 15 years old Tommy wrote the book entitled "The Greatest Advantage" Overcoming Adversity from the perspective of a 15 year old Foster child. The book was published shortly after and the now "barely" 17 year old junior from Live Oak High School in Watson, Louisiana opens up with Local Leaders:The podcast host Jim Chapman to discuss his formula of overcoming all the adversity he has experienced! You really are going to love this episode!

#LocalLeadersThepodcast #TheGreatestAdvantage #TommySigman #FosterCare #Podcast

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