Going "Unfiltered" with Kiran Chawla "Now Airing"
Feb. 1, 2021

The Struggle to Offer Health Insurance for Small Businesses & How A.J. Gallagher Can Help! Local Leaders S4 E8

The Struggle to Offer Health Insurance for Small Businesses & How A.J. Gallagher Can Help! Local Leaders S4 E8

What is the largest hurdle to overcome when hiring good people for small business owners? If you said Health Insurance coverage you are correct.The sad fact is most Local Small businesses struggle to compete with regard to the benefits that public companies can offer. Health Insurance is also the #1 reason most people never take a chance on owning their own business, they just cannot give up the coverage they receive working for in most cases large corporations. If this sounds familiar you will want to watch the next episode of Local Leaders:The Podcast as Sean Aucoin of Gallagher Insurance will be discussing these topics and giving some helpful tips and advice as well as covering options #SmallBusiness owners have with regard to getting coverage for themselves and their employees. #LocalLeadersThePodcast #LivingstonParish #SmallBusinessPodcast #HealthInsuranceForBusiness

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